Programa Bolsa Família e o empoderamento das mulheres em Minas Gerais / Programa Bolsa Família and the empowerment of the women in Minas Gerais


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Under the gender perspective the empowerment emerged as an important theme in the public policy field. So, this study was carried out to analyze the empowerment dimensions reached by the women benefiting from the Income Transfer Program so-called Bolsa Família and under the social agents perception in the Social Assistance Reference Centers (CRAS) and the impact of the gender unlikeness and the social mobility. So, a multiple-case study involving eleven managers from different CRAS of the Minas Gerais State was conducted, with interviews involving 42 women who were beneficiary from the Bolsa Família program, involving eleven managers from different CRAS and the quantitative sample was composed by 255 beneficiary women. The content analysis was used as procedure for the data analysis. The categories under analysis were adapted from the theory and defined as economic, sociocultural, family/ interpersonal, legal/political and psychological empowerment. The results point out the importance of the CRAS for either execution of the “Programa Bolsa Família” and the empowerment process, since the acquaintanceship and participation in this location have contributed to the awareness of the rights for the social insertion and the improvement of the womens welfare. According to the results, the Bolsa Família program proposes the reduction of barriers relative to women participation in the conjuncture of their private and public life through the division or enlargement in their familiar and economical decision makings as reinforcing the empowerment, but not reaching all dimensions completely. However, the empowerment process of the beneficiary women is evidently stimulated by actions of the Programa Bolsa Família. Because the economic empowerment was partially reached, there is a need for more incisive connection of the Bolsa Família with both educational and productive activities for women in order they can have opportunities for insertion in the labor market through formal jobs and not only eventual or precarious in order to develop their abilities and reach emancipation besides making easier the solidification of the global empowerment process. The Data Exploratory Analysis (AED) and the Cronbach Alfa were accomplished for validation of the construct empowerments, gender unlikeness and social mobility, that were coherent with the theoretic sense and also resulting from the transfer policy. After the construction of the social dimensions, the Cluster Analysis was xii accomplished in order to grouping the women according to similar characteristics. The results signalize the occurrence of beneficiary groups with low, average and high favorableness levels according to the Programa Bolsa Família. It was perceived the Programa Bolsa Família could function either as a stimulus and change agent in the women life; however, its effects are more intimately related with education level, beliefs, and personal values of the women. Although being a slow and embryonic process, it can be said that the empowerment cycle of the women benefiting from the Programa Bolsa Família can be completed, since it reaches the three dimensions: individual, familiar and communitarian. It was perceived the Programa Bolsa Família could function either as a stimulus and change agent in the women life; however, its effects are more intimately related with education level, beliefs, and personal values of the women. Thus, the stratification is important in order to work the particularities of the empowerment, of the unlikeness and of the social mobility promotion as a flexible and adaptable strategies, whereas respecting the observed diversities for better orientation of the public interventions.


administração pública empoderamento bolsa família administracao publica public administration empowerment bolsa família

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