Program of waste and sewage from small craft inland harbors, passengers waterway terminals and recreational boating in reservoirs. / Um estudo sobre a gestão de resíduos e efluentes em marinas, terminais hidroviários de passageiros e embarcações de turismo e lazer no Reservatório de Bariri/Hidrovia Tietê-Paraná.




The environmental aspects related to the daily operations in small craft inland harbors, in passenger waterway terminals, in leisure and tour vessels, in addition to other supporting facilities such as fluvial shipyards, indicate the need for adoption of sustainable models of management of such organizations, due to the fact that their activities are directly related to water bodies and to river banks and reservoirs, which are strategic areas for the aquatic ecosystems balance and protected by a strict environmental legislation. This study focus on technological options and proposes the implementation of a management program of waste and sewage in order to adapt the facilities and the operation of the marinas, passenger terminals and recreational boating to the ISO 14000 serial rules and to the environmental legislation in relation to the destination of solid wastes, oily residues and sewage effluents. The proposals were based on data from an investigation about the current situation of the facilities, the equipment, and the waste and sewage management, carried on both a marina and a tour navigation company which operate in the Bariri reservoir in the Tietê-Paraná Waterway. The results of this study demonstrate the importance of the implementation of programs for training and controlling the waste and sewage produced in shore and off-shore activities. These programs are based on the reduction of the production of waste, on the segregation, on the reutilization and the recycling of the materials, as well as on environmental education and on the treatment and final destination of waste and sewage. This way, they may prevent, control and act against water resources pollution besides making business more attractive and the places safer and more appealing for users and workers.


resíduos sólidos environmental management reservatórios gestão ambiental reservoirs waterway terminals small craft harbors marinas waste terminais hidroviários

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