Profissionalismos do professor - De momentos a trajetórias: profissionalização, profissionalidade e autonomia profissional - Uberabinha (1907-1929)




This thesis presents the result of a documentary research with the elaboration of an analysis on the diverse professionalisms consisting in the trajectories of education professionals, municipal teachers of Uberabinha, city situated in the north of Triângulo Mineiro region of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, during the First Republic. The same one is connected to the line of research History and Historiography of the Education of the Doctoring in Education of the Program of Post-Graduation in Education of the College of Education (FACED) of the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU). Researchs focus is the identity and the teacher profession, and for theoretical bases authors of the knowledge areas: education, history of the education, history, sociology and constitutional law. The objectives were to establish analysis in the constitution of the teacher diverse professionalisms in his education professional performance, in a systemic relation between the structuring forces - professionality and professionalization -, that results in the delimitation of the professional autonomy, intercrossed for the dimensions time and space and the circulating pedagogical ideas, as much in the formation as in the professional performance, engendering professionalisms of the responsible, competent, associate and practical types; to comprehend the professional performance of the teacher through the trajectory composition of his professionalisms, consisting of moments and intervals; to identify the diverse professionalisms of teacher Alice da Silva Paes and teacher Jerônimo Arantes, in their professional performances as municipal teachers in regency of the Nocturnal Municipal School of primary education for pupils/workers older than sixteen years-old, in the years of 1924, 1925 and 1926, projecting their respective professional trajectories in Uberabinhas education, between 1907 and 1929. The primary sources used were: periodicals; magazines; official documents; proceedings; reports; municipal laws of Uberabinha City Council; schools documents; municipals school inspection reports; photos; among others, beyond of necessary support of educational legislation derived of municipal, state and federal governments, in the focused period. Secondary historical sources produced by academic historians and local non-academic historians were used, with the purpose to oppose information and to web connections for the historical narrative. The obtained results were the systemic comprehension of the teachers profession professionalism. About teacher Alice Paes, who exerted her professional moment in 1924 in the municipal sphere, in the regency of the Municipal Nocturnal School, it had been identified the associated and competent restricted professionalisms, having a resultant professional autonomy between the dimensions of professionality and the categories of the professionalization nourished by the axle of pedagogical traditional ideas, positivist, laic and confessional, in bases in the intuitive teaching of active method radiated by the New School movement. Teacher Jerônimo Arantes professionalisms identification, of 1925, 1926 and beginning of 1927, results in the associated types and full competent, in the regency of the Municipal Nocturnal School for the pupils/workers older than sixteen years.


profissionalidade professores uberabinha teachers profissionalismo professores - atitudes professionalization uberabinha educacao professionalism profissionalização professores - formação professionality professores education

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