Profile of older adults with dementia and depression : cognitive status investigative which CAMCOG, education and history of social cognitive abilities / Perfil de idosos com demencia e depressão : status cognitivo medido pelo CAMCOG, escolaridade e historico de habilidade socio-cognitivas




The current study aimed to identify relations among the performance in neuropsychological test (CAMCOG), history of social cognitive abilities, education and age in the elderly with dementia and depression diagnosis who attend the Geriatric Psychiatric Ambulatory of Hospital das Clínicas da UNICAMP in comparison to health older adults. The research included people above 60 years with dementia and depression under treatment in the Geriatric Psychiatric Ambulatory and that had been submitted to CAMCOG evaluation. As for the health group, we considered elderly people above 60 years that attended the activities of Universidade da Terceira Idade Santa Lúcia. It was used the following instruments for data collection: CAMCOG, an inventory with information regarding the person social cognitive abilities history, an interview structured to obtain social demographic data and information obtained from the patients medical reports. For the health group, besides these instruments, we applied Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) and Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS). It was evaluated 101 people of average of 71,43 years and education 3,98 years, 34 with depression, 30 with dementia e 37 without problems. The total sample of CAMCOG average score was 66,68 (sd=23,21), in the older adults group with dementia was 45,13 (sd=23,85), with depression, 67,15 (sd=17,34), and healthy people, 83,73 (sd=8,77). The linear relation (Spearman) between the total score in the CAMCOG and the sum generated from the social cognitive abilities history was significant in the three groups (dementia p=0,0002, depression p=0,0001 and health group p=0,0002) like the relation between CAMCOG and education. Was possible to verify in this sample that the person social cognitive history had more influence than that education years in the CAMCOG people performance. Elderly with depression had worst performance in comparison to the heath group


depression idosos demencia dementia depressão elderly

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