Produtividade da soja em semeadura direta com antecipação da adubação na cultura de "Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn." / Soybean yield with anticipated fertilization on the Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn. in a no-tillage system




A research was carried out with the aim of evaluating the effects of anticipated fertilization on the production of Eleusine coracana dry matter as well as it productive features. In addition to it, the physiological quality of the seeds and the culture yield were also evaluated, taking into account the hypothesis that soybean yield is not reduced due to the anticipated base fertilization of the finger millet culture. The experiment was conducted at the Estação Experimental Anhembi, Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz (USP/ESALQ), in Piracicaba/SP, during the growing seasons of 2001/2002, 2002/2003 and 2003/2004, in an Oxisol. The fertilization consisted on the application of 90 kg of P2O5 ha-1, 50 kg of K2O ha-1 and micronutrients (Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo and Zn). The experiment adopted a completely randomized blocks design with three repetitions and twelve treatments, which comprehended different levels of anticipated soybean fertilization for the culture of finger millet, as it follows: T1= without fertilization ; T2= traditional soybean fertilization; T3= anticipation of 50% of K on finger millet; T4= anticipation of 100% of K, on finger millet; T5= anticipation of 50% of P on finger millet; T6= anticipation of 50% of K and P on finger millet; T7= anticipation of 50% of P and 100% of K on finger millet; T8= anticipation of 100% of P on finger millet; T9= anticipation of 100% of P and 50% of K on finger millet; T10 = anticipation of 100% of P and K on finger millet; T11 = anticipation of 50% of K on finger millet; T11 = anticipation of 100% of P and K + micronutrients on finger millet; T12 = anticipation of foliar fertilization with micronutrients on finger millet. The evaluated characteristics were: a) finger millet: dry matter production; b) soybean: final stand, final plant height, lodging, number of branches per plant, number of empty pods per plant, number of pods with 3 cavities with 3, 2 and 1 seed, number of pods with 2 cavities with 2 and 1 seed, number of pods with 1 cavity and 1 seed, total number of pods per plant, seed weight per plant, mass of 1,000 seeds and total yield. Soybean seeds were submitted to germination tests, accelerated ageing tests and well as tests of sand emergency. It was concluded that: a) Phosphorus and potassium anticipated fertilization on soybean applied to the Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn. crop can increase the finger millet dry matter yield; b) The absence of fertilization on the soybean no-tillage yield system succeeding the finger millet cover culture can cause the decrease of total yield of finger millet dry matter and soybean seeds; c) The anticipation of base fertilization of soybean culture for finger millet does not interfere with the total amount of pods generated by soybean plants; and d) Phosphorus and potassium anticipated fertilization on soybean culture for finger millet crop do not interfere with the mass of 1,000 seeds and total soybean yield.


adubação finger millet glycine max (l.) merrill no-tillage system potássio capins phosphorus soja potassium semeadura fósforo plantio direto

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