Productivity of tanzania grass (Panicum maximum Jacq. cv. Tanzania) due to irrigation depths and nitrogen fertilizer. / Produtividade do capim-tanzânia (Panicum maximum Jacq. cv. Tanzânia) em função da lâmina de irrigação e de adubação nitrogenada.




The aim of this study was to evaluate the different effects of applied irrigation dephts and nitrogen fertilizer on nine growing cycles of Tanzania grass, quantifying growing factors , production, efficiency and the forage quality. The production function determination for total dry material, leaf and stem, attempting to find the maximum level of the economic production of each factor, was based on a complete randomised block experiment using split-split-plot model design, in which the plots were distributed in different levels of irrigation (0, 30, 70,100 e 150% Field Capacity - CC), in the split-plot the nitrogen doses (0, 100, 275, 756 e 2079 kg N.ha -1 .year -1 ) and in the split-split-plot the nine growing cycles were grouped in three major climatic periods (summer, winter and spring). The occurrence of a seasonal pattern herbage production of the total dry material in Piracicaba is a characteristic feature of this region, where the effects of irrigation and nitrogen as complementing management tools during the winter time, did not prove to be capable of decreasing the meaningful effect of the climatic factors. The higher water dephts (100 and 150% CC) resulted negative effects on the production of dry material, compare to the 70% CC treatment, which proved to have higher values of water use efficency. The increase of nitrogen doses inside the growing cycles, promoted an increase on the: total dry material, total nitrogen concentration, absorbed nitrogen, crude protein (PB) and "in vitro" organic material digestibility (DIVMO), reducing the values of the efficiency of the use of nitrogen (EUN) and the physiologic efficiency of the N absorbed (EFNabs). The use of higher nitrogen doses above 756 Kg N.ha -1 .year, did not promote increasing effects on the production of dry material, only the improvement in the forage quality, increasing the PB and DIVMO values and no variation of FDA. The use of nitrogen doses until the maximum value of 275 Kg N/ha year, showed higher EUN and EFNabs than doses above 256 Kg N/ha year, which promote the increase of recovered nitrogen (40% when irrigated and 33% not irrigated). The relation between purchase price and nutrient concentration in the fertilizer must be the most preponderant aspect by the cattle raiser considered for the fertilization of Tanzania grass pasture.


gramínea forrageira irrigation fertilization forage grass fertilizer nitrogen adubação irrigação fertilizante nitrogenado

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