Production and maintenance of a teacher s collective : a teacher training experience within the professional realm / Produção e sustentação de um coletivo docente : uma experiencia de formação de professores dentro do universo profissional




This study analyses the working process of a teacher s collective around a science fair curricular project within a São Paulo school. This science fair has been held annually since the school s inauguration in 1994. Our main objectives have been to identify elements that contribute to the maintenance of this teacher s collective work and to analyze the professional training context that this configuration allows to emerge. This is a case study (Yin, 2005) using the interpretative investigation methodology (Erickson, 1986). The data was collected in 2007 and consists of interviews carried out with four teachers, responses to a questionnaire answered by 18 teachers, recordings and direct observation of eight group meetings, as well as the memory of one of the researchers, who took part in this teacher s group for five years. The analyses mainly draw upon psychoanalytical concepts presented by Bion, Freud, Lacan and Kaës. we identified in this teacher s group a shared educational and professional ideal (in analogy of the ideal of the self) which has guided their work in the science fair through the creation of intermediaries. Because they strengthen peer cohesion, these intermediaries have contributed to the organization of the teachers mainly as a work group. we have also identified a school context which enables teacher creativity and authorship. These teachers find in the science fair s project a fertile ground to act in this way - something which also contributes to the group dynamics. we therefore identified a teacher s training experience which mainly draws upon questions and problems raised by the teacher s own experiences within the school: teachers, while working on the science fair project, simultaneously produce constructions/transformations in their teaching method, in their institution and in their professional identity.


docentes inovações educacionais psychoanalysis and education trabalho em grupo na educação formação de professores educational innovations curriculum psicanalise e educação teachers teacher s training curriculos group work

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