Produção textual na escola: a argumentação em foco




Although many expressive studies of written text have appeared in the last few years, ideas and actions to improve this area of teaching are still necessary and ways to develop it have not been exhausted. With this in mind, this study was developed with the objective of teaching written argumentative text. Based on studies of Text Linguistics - such as Koch (2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006), Koch &Elias (2006) and Beaugrande (1997) - we adopted the perspective of viewing the text as a process in which meaning is produced by participants as they interact. We also follow theoretical aspects of genres and textual types as presented by Bakhtin (1979/2003), Marcuschi (2005 and 2006), Bazerman (2006) and Schneuwly &Dolz (2004). We would specifically like to highlight Charaudeaus (2008) analysis of types of argumentative text. Bearing in mind the objective of our work, we methodically catalogued activities of argumentative text production in four didactical High School manuals. We then analyzed two articles of opinion published in the newspaper, the Folha de São Paulo, and created, as an example, a suggestion for the teaching of argument


gênero textual argumentacao written lingua portuguesa -- estudo e ensino lingua portuguesa -- composicao e exercicios lingua portuguesa argument genres escrita

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