Produção de xilo-oligossacarídeos a partir de lignocelulósicos pré-tratados com xilanases imobilizadas e estabilzadas


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Endoxylanase, an important industrial enzyme, cleaves ß-1,4-xylanosidic bounds in xylan chains, main plant hemicellulose component. Xylan can be explored to produce many products, among them xylo-oligosaccharides, XOS, made of xylose monomers (2 to 7 units). XOS are considered to be prebiotic ingredients and can improve humans health. XOS are produced by xylan hydrolysis, and enzymatic hydrolysis is considered to be the most advisable to reach better product with less environmental prejudice. Beechwood and sugarcane bagasse were used in this work to produce XOS. Pretreatments explored to solubilize xylan from lignocellulosic material were autohydrolisis with microwave application, organosolv without catalyst and alkaline NaOH pretreatment. Organosolv-ethanol pretreatment was able to extract circa 45% of xylan in oligomeric form, when using 180C, 60 min and 50% etanol (v/v). Alkaline pretreatment extracted 53% of xylan from biomass. Two xylanases were considered to be applicable for XOS production over enzymatic hydrolysis, the commercial NOVOZYES NS 22036 and a xylanase from B.subtilis. there was low production of monomers after enzymatic hydrolysis. Commercial enzymes produced by NOVOZYMES NS 50014 nand NS 22036 were immobilized onto glyoxyl-agarose gels 10 BCL and 6 BCL by multipoint covalent immobilization technique. Chemical amination using ethilendiamine was applied to introduce amine groups on the enzyme surface, which caused enzymatic inactivation These procedures could improve enzymatic stability of endoxylanases, in 40 times for the NS 50014, with a τ of 30 h and in 120 times for the NS 22036, with τ of 24 hours, at 70C. It is demonstrated in this work, that the enzymatic hydrolysis using immobilized and stabilized endoxylanases of substrates extracted from pretreated lignocellulosic material is possible in order to produce XOS.


xilooligossacarídeos engenharia bioquímica imobilização de enzimas engenharia quimica

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