Produção de acido hialuronico por cultivo em estado sólido de Streptococcus zooepidemicus em em bagaço de caju / Hyaluronic acid production by by state Streptococcus zooepidemicu in cashew apple bagasse


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




ln this work, hyaluronic acid (HA) production was studied the in solid state cultivation (SSF) of Streptococcus zooepidemicus, focusing on metabolic changes induced by varying the initial sugar concentration (ICS), initial concentration of ascorbate (ICAsc), volumetric air flow rate, oxygen availability and particle size. The first approach shows the comparison between liquid (SF) and solid state (SSF) culture medium, exploring the HA production by the cashew substrate-integrated Each !kg of Cashew can generate 761 mg (SSF) and 1790 mg (SF) of HA, which allows, for the possibility of full utilization of this waste, with production focused on HA molecules that can be used in biomedical applications. The second approach shows that the addihon of ascorbate in culture medium favored HA redox depolymerization effects by hydroxyl radicais, altering the molecular weight of the final product. This explains the lower molecular weight obtained from cashew culture medium when compareci to synthetic medium. ln the third part of this work, we observed the effects of the ISC, showing the direct in:fluence of this variable on the microbial metabolism and, in particular, on the behavior of HNBiomass Yield (Y AHIX)- The metabolic deviation for the HA production related to cell synthesis is superior, in the range of 30-90 gL-1 in liquid phase (0.61 g.g-1 ). The fourth and last approach presents the role of oxygen in solid state cultivation. As the main result, it was we observed the importance of the ratio of air flow rate I mass of sugars. The ideal range was between 1.27-2.8 L I air (g sugars. min), for which case Y AH/X was maximum. These pioneering results contribute to the HA production in SSF, as well as to understanding the metabolic mechanism of Streptococcus zooepidemicus.


Ácido hialurônico fermentação estreptococo metabolitos caju hyaluronic acid fermentation streptococcus metabolites cashew apple

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