Produção Acadêmica em Recursos Humanos na Década de 90: uma Análise Metateórica da Pesquisa Brasileira em Periódicos e nos Anais do ENANPAD / HRM Academic Research in Brazil: An evaluation of the publications within Enanpad's proceedings, 1991-2000




In the last few years, the Brazilian Academy in the filed of management and business administration has entered a introspective phase, engaging in a critical introspective analysis of its output aimed at finding out whether the obvious quantitative growth has been followed by a similar growth in quality, rigor, relevance, and originality. So far, the field doesn t seem happy with the image the mirror is projecting. The area of Human Resources was one of the few that haven t conducted a thorough review of its scholarly production so far. This research project is precisely aiming at filling such gap, analyzing the accepted papers in this area during the Enanpad of the 1990s, focusing the assessment on the themes, epistemology, methodology, pattern of bibliography citation and authorship.


recursos humanos produção acadêmica metodologia

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