ProduÃÃo coletiva de carta de reclamaÃÃo : interaÃÃo professoras/alunos




This research aimed at analyzing the interaction among students and between students and teachers in situations of texts collective productions. It was adopted Bakhtinâs theory of discursive genres and the Schneuwlyâs (1998) socio-interactionist perspective, which give importance to the parameters of social interaction, composed by the social places of interlocutors involved in the situation, by the finality of language activity and by the cultural instruments available in society for the concretization of interaction (mainly, the discursive genres). Took part in the research two teachers from the first and second grades of primary schools and their respective pupils of the public sector in Recife (capital of Pernambuco state), who developed a didactic sequence with the discursive genre letter of complaining. We have analyzed in detail four situations of collective text production. The results made evident that were stimulated strategies of orientation bases construction for the text building, local planning of texts, process revision, action monitoring in order to reach the finalities and expected addressee in the situations, actions of coordination between contents generation and textualization. I was also observed that the knowledge about the discursive genre in focus â letter of complaining â was activated during the text building process. Thus, it was possible to conclude that the collective text production is a powerful didactic strategy since it propitiates that the modes of functioning typical of experienced writers (teachers) be shared with individuals less experienced (students). According to Vygotsky, such a characteristic can be important for it propitiates that the superior cognitive processes intersubjectivelly experienced (among people of a same group) can be interiorized, becoming to be experienced intrasubvectively


texto coletivo lÃngua portuguesa â estudo e ensino discursive genres, teaching lÃngua portuguesa â gÃneros textuais gÃnero discursivo text production collective texts lÃngua portuguesa â produÃÃo de texto educacao

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