The object of this study was the production of care(un) overall in prenatal attention, with the objectives of comprehend the production of overall care to pregnant assisted by professional of PSF from Fortaleza; to apprehend the conceptions of overall care to pregnant formulated by these professional; to discuss about the net of hearing established between the professional of PSF and user to the process of construction of autonomy of this one during the prenatal attention; and to describe the dynamic offer x demand of prenatal attention in PSF from Fortaleza. The methodological trajectory has qualitative nature. It used as technique to collect data: interview semi-structured and systematic observation. The subjects of study were 14 professional of health and one pregnant. In analysis of speeches of professional was used Paul Ricouer?s Hermeneutic Phenomenological and analysis of pregnant speech was oriented by analyzing chart of Merhy. The results revealed that the production of prenatal care , developed in PSF context, has a basis mostly medic, centered in procedure, in detriment of dialogue with the users. Such fact was more identified in medic practice that, beyond to value exams, impose their wisdom to users, to direct their actions without possibility to have negotiation with the user wisdom, being evident the difficult to treat with the autonomy of the last one. The nursing professional already presents an attention to pregnant closer to overall attention. In its practice it verify the relevance given to pregnant subjective questions, through a hearing net, that easier the autonomy of user in therapeutic process. The conceptions, of overall care, revealed by professional are closely associated with the practice developed by them, or so, the physicians showed a conception based upon hegemonic medic model and the nurses had in their conceptions an approximation with the integrality of care. In case report we see that offer and demand organize itself through the link of user with the professional. It highlights that the link is used by professional as instrument to diminish the suffering caused by bureaucracy of prenatal attention, which easier the therapeutic path. Thus, the production of care to pregnant, though the preponderancy of hegemonic medic model meets in process of transition, to a care that consider the integrality of subject.


saude publica health family program, prenatal, overall care. programa de sa?de da fam?lia,pr?-natal,cuidado integral.

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