Procura-se "preta com muito bom leite, prendada e carinhosa": uma cartografia das amas-de-leite na sociedade carioca (1850-1888)




What did it mean to be ama-de-leite in Rio de Janeiros nineteenth century society? The question guides an effort to create a map of discourses where their images appear: medicine, press, public administration, literature and iconography. Frequently amas-de-leite were designed and recognized as African or descendant black or dark skin female bodies that used to be bought, sold or rent to nourish owners families sons and daughters. Analysing their images/representations it has been considered the positiveness of knowledge building up a politics of identities in enslaver and patriarchal society, where their bodies are marked by sex-gender, race, age and civil condition features, pointing out physical differences to produce social inequalities.


sex-gender escravidão maternity amas-de-leite rio de janeiro. amas-de-leite história historia do brasil slavery rio de janeiro, ninteenth century usos e costumes

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