Processo decisório: a utilização do sistema de informação como apoio ao processo decisório




Information is found everywhere, and with current technological possibilities we have access to extraordinarily wide volumes of it in every possible aspect. In this context, organizations, which are based in processes, generate information in a determined flow that must be controlled in such a way that we can have access to it at the times and in the amount that we need it. Such a prediction may seem simple, but we cant forget how far reality is from being able to offer this type of control of information, control, here, understood to be a form of management. The volume of decisions and the speed at which these must be taken demand agility on the part of the principle executive, his managers and advisors in retrieving and dealing with information pertinent to the situation at a speed attendant to the current opportunity. Putting together these two characteristics of our times: volume of information and the necessity of quick decision-making, we worked towards demonstrating that information dealt with in an intelligent way through a system of computerized information will serve as a support to the decision-making process, providing a base for the formulation of alternatives which are close to the reality of organizational processes and that by doing so, organizations will be able to sustain a satisfactory, or even growing, economic situation. This research evinces the relationship between decisions and information. In this scenario, we approached the themes of decision-making and information systems, providing the bibliographical review necessary for understanding these topics and, in the conclusions, offering a decision-making flow chart based on the literature researched, along with recommendations for companies that need and desire to stay economically viable. The research was on an exploratory level classified as empirical, social science and adopted the quantitative method with a logical-hypothetical base and statistical procedures for analysis. The instrument used to collect data was a questionnaire structured with categorical questions and the relationships between variables were established through factorial analysis of multiple correspondences. A total of 44 companies were researched and the respondents constituted the people with the power to make decisions in the organizations. We concluded that companies that render services with professional graduates and with knowledge about decision-making tend to be in a more stable, or improving, economic situation and that their principle agents at the tactical decision level always consider and count on the support of a computerized information system in their decision-making process


processo decisório; sistemas de informação gerencial processo decisório sistema de informação ciências sociais aplicadas information system decision-making process

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