Processo de desenvolvimento mesorregional: o caso da mesorregião diferenciada mesomercosul




The elaboration of this work had as motivation to examine a development process denominated Program of Sustainability of Sub-regional Spaces [PROMESO] of the Ministry of the National Integration [MI], the Federal Government, returned the differentiated mesorregions, especially the case of Mesorregions Great Border of Mercosul [MESOMERCOSUL]. The central question of the research was: Does the process of the differentiated mesorregions contribute to the development of the territory? To answer her, broke of the hypothesis that the development process is multidimensional and multiescalar, that needs the active participation the regional communitys and the valorization of the local characteristics. The central objective of this dissertation consists in the description and analyze of the development process of the differentiated mesorregions, with special attention for the case of MESOMERCOSUL. For the execution of the research were used bibliographical and documental sources, besides the accomplishment of a field research, starting from the application of the questionnaire and interviews. It is therefore a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the data. After the collection of data, these were interpreted and analyzed to the light of discussed concepts in the bibliographical revision. The results of the research demonstrate that the used concepts converge with the developed activities, being constituted in an appropriate proposal to the regional context. In conclusion, it can be affirmed that, the process of the differentiated mesorregions, especially MESOMERCOSUL, in spite of its short implantation period, contributes to the regional development


mesomercosul mesomercosul boards of development planejamento urbano e regional promeso fóruns de desenvolvimento regional development desenvolvimento regional differentiated mesorregions desenvolvimento regional promeso mesorregiões diferenciadas

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