Processes of implantation and implementation of the Mathematics and Physics Licenciature Courses at CEFET-PI / Processos de implantação e implementação dos cursos de Licenciatura em Matemática e Física no CEFET-PI




The aim of this study was to analyse in way contextualizada the processes of implantation and implementation of the Mathematics and Physics Licenciature courses at the Federal Center of Technological Education of Piauí (CEFET-PI), from 2002 to 2007, analyzing the factors that are facilitators and obstructers of these two processes. It was used the perspective of the case study, discussing the evolutive process of the higher education in Brazil, having as basis the universities until to focus the institution Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica do Piauí. Besides, a cut was done in the mathematics and physics courses. The theme related to the mentioned courses and to the debate in your scope showed the way how those courses came about and still does and also their legal marks which outlined them. The collected data, by documental analysis, semi-structered interviews and questionnaires, allowed a qualitative analysis that guided the clearness of the initial question of this study. The results showed that the Mathematics and Physics licenciature courses are according to the legislation of this teaching level modality, presenting, a balanced timetable between theory and practice, standing out both the specific theoretical knowledge and the didactic pedagogical ones. The investigated courses esteem the specifications of a preparatory course of acting in a classroom, giving preference to the Exact Sciences and the Social and Human Sciences fields. The difficulties to offer the courses come from academic and administrative levels, pointing out the lack of steady professionals, especially the ones who teach subjects much more pedagogical. Other difficulties found were: curricular fragmentation, subjects with timetables diminished; lack of a scientific research to establish the courses; lack of: constant content knowledge in the pedagogical purpose; clearness related to the changes that were accomplished in the courses during the terms and infra-structure to the courses that labs are required. Even emphasizing the factors that are considered obstructers, the subjects evaluated the Mathematics and Physics Courses as good because they rated it between seven and eight.


educacao cefet-pi implementação mathematics and physics licenciatures implementation licenciaturas em física e matemática implantação higher education cefet-pi implantation educação superior

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