Procedimento para promover habilidades relacionadas ao brincar em crianças diagnosticadas com autismo / A procedure to promote playing related skills in children diagnosed with autism




Considering the difficult autistic children have to socially interact, the present study aimed at promoting skills related to reciprocal functional play between children with typical and atypical development and answered to the following questions: (1) Is the procedure (prompt providing and fading-out) effective on installing skills related to reciprocal functional play? (2) After training, does generalization occur to different peers, situations or toys? (3) What happens with disruptive behavior as the intervention takes place? Six children took part in the study: two diagnosed with autism (P1 and P2) and four considered as typical children (two in training and two in generalization). Behavior chains were built for participant-peer interaction for each selected toy. These chains were constituted by five skills: (1) follow instruction related to the toy catch the toy (2) imitate the name of the toy initiate playing (3) wait for partner turn (4) play and (5) maintain playing, composed by wait and play for the second and third time. Prompt was provided to participants so they could respond properly. The procedure involved prompt fading-out in four levels: total prompt, light prompt, gestual prompt and independent. A multiple base line design was proposed to control the effects of manipulated variables. After training, tests were realized in order to verify if trained responses would occur in the same setting and partner as in training, under three conditions: (1) when instructions were not provided (2) when toy was put far from children, with and without instruction (3) when the partner was far from the participant, with and without instruction. Generalization was tested for a new setting, new toy and new partner. As results, both participants engaged in playing, demonstrating fading-out procedure effectiveness. Generalization occurred for both participants for a new setting, a new partner and a new toy. To both, it didnt occur in skill number 4 for a second toy. At tests, the lower number of correct responding for both participants occurred in any condition without instruction. At last, disruptive behavior declined as participants engaged in playing


autism autismo criancas autistas -- educacao avaliacao de comportamento brincar social interaction interação social psicologia experimental playing brincadeiras

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