Problematização do comportamento alimentar como estrategia de educação nutricional : uma experiencia com adolescentes obesos




This research studied the issue of feeding behavior of twenty-two obese teenagers, in the context of diet counseling as a strategy of nutritional education, considering two different groups of eleven teenagers. One group was attended collectively and the other individually, both of them for eight months. The method was qualitative and the approach used was analysis of contents. The issue was observed to be an instrument, which facilitates the change of feeding behavior, thus arousing inherent factors. In the analysis of qualitative data, one observed that in both attendance, the issue of feeding behavior involved with: feeding behavior, family context, the obese social stigma and relationship with health professionals; religiosity appeared only in the collective attendance. Teenagers under individual attendance effectively had troubles with the feeding behavior while for the group attendance the issues were related to family and psychological aspects regarding obesity, with effective qualitative changes in both groups. In the group attendance six teenagers dropped out the activities and two out of the five remaining ones lost weight. In the individual treatment three teenagers resigned and weight reduction was verified in six teenagers out of the nine remaining ones. One concluded that the intervention built up through the integration of the issue of the stage of the counseling process is efficient to help teenagers understand their life history and the factors which determine the feeding behavior, to become aware of the possibilities of perpetuation to the changes of feeding habits, exerting on their own the role of subjects in the program of health education, so as to seek broader life quality.


aconselhamento - metodos adolecentes - nutrição programas de nutrição obesidade - prevenção e controle

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