Problemas y retos de la investigacion en el siglo XXI (El caso de la RIEMS y la conformación de la antropoética)


Avaliação: Revista da Avaliação da Educação Superior (Campinas)




Research in the XXI century faces a myriad of challenges and problems, in this century in which we live, the challenge not only of research but also of education, is that they must reconcile matter and spirit, nature and culture, science and humanities, leading to an reencounter between technology and humanism, integrating memory and project. We therefore believe that the new paradigm of research and education is the conformation to anthropoetics. In this paper we address the problem posed by the Comprehensive Reform for Middle and Higher Education (Riems), not only for research but also for the process of shaping the anthropoetics. This will address conceptual terms, as anthropoetics, generic skills and concepts of structure, complexity. We have chosen the scenario of higher education, undergratuate specifically, because it is at this level of education, that are generated various types of education that result in practical neoliberal training and instruction, such is the case of Riems, which inhibits human education processes and thus their ability of anthropoetic training. This latter as a key option for the education of future generations.

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