Problemas de lógica como motivadores do fazer matemática no sexto ano




This paper aims to study solving logic problems, as a methodological strategy for teaching mathematics for Elementary School students in sixth grade. We took a sample from 38 students enrolled in a Public School in Palmas/TO. These students were divided into two experiential environments: monitoring groups and the classroom itself. Genetic Epistemology by Piaget (1973), Theory of Didactical Situations by Brousseau (1986), Conceptual Fields Theory by Vergnaud, 1990 and contributions from Almouloud (2007), Dante (2003), Dias e Silva (2008), Fávero (2005), Muniz (1999; 2008), Pais (2002), Pólya (1995), Ponte e Santos (2002), among others, are the theories we research to support this studies. We have done a fieldwork in which we propose solving logic problems. The students were encouraged to do a database of these problems results in order to analyze mental actions that were done to get to that result. For the purpose of analyzing data from the students five categories were defined: learning level of some students, ways of getting the results and unexpected results, difficulties/surprising about abilities of children, motivation to solve problems and interactions favored. It showed that logic problems are outstanding motivational factor to raise will to study mathematics, due to its adidactic character, students, in their mathematics studying process, feel free to arouse their own hypothesis, create their own strategies, argue with their partners, do self-evaluation e do the exercise again if they think it is necessary. Analyses of action schema allow teachers to check which mathematics concepts need to be revised to reinforce mathematics schema, this enables to reorganize pedagogical work, where students are the main characters of teaching learning process.


mathematics education educacao logic problems educação matemática fazer matemática problemas de lógica motivação motivation mathematics study

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