Problemas de estruturas aditivas e multiplicativas propostos em livros didÃticos de matemÃtica: o impacto do Programa Nacional do Livro DidÃtico




This research presents an analysis of how additive and multiplicative problems are presented in Elementary School Mathematics textbooks. The aim of the study is to observe the impact that the PNLD, the Brazilian National Plan of Textbooks, has on the treatment given to the meanings of the arithmetic operations and the forms of symbolic representations presented in textbooks. This is a Masterâs research that had as sample 12 volumes of Mathematics textbooks, included in the PNLD of 2004 and 2007 (3rd grade) and 2005 and 2008 (5th grade). The study showed that, concerning the diversity of additive and multiplicative problems presented and the forms of symbolic representations of problem presentation and the ones suggested to be used by pupils, there were no changes between the previous and latter editions of the 3rd and 5th volumes of the collections analysed. Concerning additive problems there is a predominance of change and combination problems and few problems of other categories, such as equalization and comparison, and there is not an equal distribution of the subcategories of these types of problems. There were also no apparent changes in the types of multiplicative problems presented in the four editions, but, when compared to the additive problems there is a better distribution amongst the categories, although no inverse problem of cartesian product was identified. Concerning symbolic representations â also with no apparent difference amongst the volumes analysed â the use of different representations was observed, but the use of games, of calculators and manipulative material is not encouraged, although these forms of representation can be useful in the development of additive and multiplicative reasoning of Elementary School pupils. By documental analyses it was observed that the PNLD has encouraged advances in the quality of textbooks, but there are still more refined aspects that need to be improved, in order to promote a more vast development of additive and multiplicative structures amongst pupils.


matemÃtica â estudo e ensino national plan of textbooks additive and multiplicative problems plano nacional do livro didÃtico textbooks elementary school educacao problemas aditivos e multiplicativos matemÃtica - livro didÃtico

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