Problemas de comportamento do aluno na visão de professores da rede pública de São Paulo




This study aims to identify the criteria used by teachers in the public school system to characterize behavioral problems of students because along with the problems being constantly mentioned by many teachers, a number of stereotypes have been created to explain behavior that falls outside the expectations of public schools. These stereotypes are designated: hyperactivity, attention disorders and disruptive conduct. Thus, research was done with elementary school teachers in Sao Paulo to discover what teachers consider problematic behavior, and find out how they classify the root of the problem and the criteria they use to arrive at their conclusions. This survey adopts the basic principles from critical theory, specifically the writings of Adorno and Horkheimer to discover how industrial society affects the way teachers make judgement. The process used in the study was a questionnaire that uses a semantic differential scale whose focus is to identify teacher perception of inadequate behavior demonstrated by students. The questionnaire was given to teachers working in different grades, namely grades 5 and 8 in a public school in a district of Sao Paulo whose students are from various socioeconomic classes. The effects gives evidences that, facts as influence of the media and informations changed among teachers group itself, influence the concept that teachers built about youthful s behavior


behavioral problems educacao ensino fundamental escolas publicas teoria crítica visão do professor professores e alunos teacher perception avaliacao de comportamento estudantes -- atitudes elementary school critical theory

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