Problem pupil and the government of the soul: a Foucaultian approach / O aluno-problema e o governo da alma: uma abordagem foucaultiana




In this work, the subject of school failure follows a Foucaultian approach. The school failure is analyzed from the power effects that it produces. The theoretical referential imposes the search for statements pronounced by social personages capable of driving the behavior of others. The documental corpus so gathered refers to the evaluation reports applied by psychopedagogic treatment clinics with a noticeable psychiatric bias. From this empirical basis, it is supposed that the similarities between the various reports suggest the setting of a system of truth around the individual, that is, the upset pupil. By explaining the discursive logic of these diagnostic evaluations, this essay suggests that the deficitary student coming up from these tests is, in fact, the return of the former problem pupil constituted by the narratives of Arthur Ramos in the thirties of the twentieth century. It is assumed that the approaches between the upset individual from the reports and the disturbed one of Arthur Ramos point out to the government techniques that were applied in order to correct pupils. Such a hypothesis leads to the analysis concerning the mechanism by which the so-called governamentability operates. Hence, it is supposed that it brings about auto-government practices. Such actions were investigated from historiographic texts committed to the study on the connection between the state procedures intended for the population and the public interventions intended for the bodies of the individuals. The hypothesis of this work asserts that the "psy"knowledges have had a great relevance in making possible the effective transference of the ideals of normality for the individuals behaviors, which was approved by the State. Presently, this kind of knowledge is considered essential, because it allows the assessment of the soul, therefore, the control of the interiorities on the basis of the standard estimated in the exams applied by the biotechnicians. In this social group, it was verified, based on the research by Lucien Sfez on biotechnology in the contemporaneity, the immersion of many of its agents in a new utopia, defined by the author as the Utopia of the Perfect Health. It brings definitions that point out to the development of bioidentities. These ones would operate in order to link each one to his/her own body. Thus, such truths, produced in the lab environment, would make possible to reduce life to a biological fact. Finally, the research, here summarize aims at linking performative knowledges of problem pupil to the strategies of the biopolitics. Therefore, school is seen as privileged place to propagate biopolitical agents, that is, competent actors capable of applying government techniques to the whole group of students, by means of promoting the free search for auto-governed interiorities.


educational psychology aluno inadaptado michel foucault education history psicologia educacional cognitive disturbances fracasso escolar governamentalidade transtornos cognitivos história da educação non-adjusted pupil michel foucault school failure governamentability

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