Previdência social: um estudo comparado do modelo brasileiro de previdência social pública e do modelo chileno de previdência




The purpose of this paper is to assess and compare the social security structures Brazil and in Chile, in a moment that there are changes in the social and economic structures of Brazil and Chile caused by the expansion of non-formal jobs, because of the globalization process and of aggressive competition, as well as the so-called Brazil-Cost. With the changes in the labor relations, individuals started participating of the economic activity as non-formal workers, or as non-registered service providers, a fact that has contributed to the reduction of the Social Security funding. Together with these macroeconomic factors, issues such as poor management and diversion of resources have caused financial imbalances of the social security system. On the other hand, the aging of the economically active population without the respective growth to provide and balance the need for revenues of the social security system has stimulated citizens to abandon the system and to seek other instruments for the protection and maintenance of resources for retirement, such as complementary private pension plans. However, when we assess the Chilean social security system, we found that the compulsory social security system also presents sensitive risks, mainly because of the volatility of the financial markets and the need of maintaining cash flow for funding the retirement plans. In Brazil, some specific factors, such as the inclusion in the Social Security General Regimen of categories that never contributed adequately or sufficiently for social security, such as rural workers and public servants also interfered in the financial imbalance. Finally, we present the main reasons for the imbalance of both social security systems, the conclusions we reached, and suggestions for mitigating the identified problems


previdência social previdencia social -- brasil previdencia social -- chile ciencias sociais aplicadas social security

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