Previdência social: privatização ou estatização no estado democrático de direito?




The present study approaches the situation of the Brazilian social welfare system and some of the occurred relevant reforms in countries of the Latin America. The question is complex upon considering the present crisis of the systems of the welfare, allied to the strong trend in transferring to the private initiate the system coordination and administration acts following the example of the Chilean welfare system model, privated totally. Think one that, in the majority of the underdeveloped countries, the experience of the adaptation of a private welfare system didnt solve it. At first moment, it reached success, but afterwards the most needies suffered straight the damages. Thereby, the adjustments are necessaries to attain a just and well balanced system, although it has problems as, for instance, the high indexes of informality and the financial lack of equilibrium which tends to grow worse for the greatest longevity of the people. Thereby, the new changes are urgent and necessary, remaining the challenge to include millions of economically active people who dont have yet and social insurance covering, therefore with the increase of the numbers of contributors and with an active inspection, relating to the destination of the resources, it will be able to make up for the increasing quantity of beneficiaries, specially in front of the increase longevity. The problem is urgent, but still it has time to the corrections are effected, from the search of new alternatives and debates, putting on guard that the decisions must be taken right away, so that the social welfare dont become unsustainable in the future.


estatização estado solidariedade state social welfare solidarity society previdência social direito sociedade privatização social security privatization seguridade social nationalization

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