Prevalência e fatores associados de incontinência urinária autorreferida no pós-parto / Prevalence and associated factors of urinary incontinence self-reported in the postpartum period




Urinary incontinence (UI) is defined as any involuntary loss of urine, being a social and hygiene problem. In Brazil, the literature about the urinary incontinence after childbirth is incipient. UI is a morbid little explored by health professionals, making it difficult to identify the woman who has a complication. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of urinary incontinence self-reported in the postpartum period and to relate the associated factors. This is an epidemiologic and cross-sectional study about the factors related to urinary incontinence self-reported in the postpartum period, held at the Health Center School Samuel Barnsley Pessoa located in the western region of São Paulo. The population consisted of 288 women with 30 days to six months in the postpartum period. They were interviewed from January to August 2009. The results showed that 24,6% was the prevalence of involuntary loss of urine self-reported in the postpartum period. The women ranged from 18 to 45 years old. The sociodemographic characteristics showed that only the color of the skin was statistically significant (p-value = 0.0043); women with white skin had greater representation. Among the 71 women who reported UI in the postpartum period, the primiparous were majority and underwent vaginal delivery. There was no statistically significant difference between parity and kind of the delivery and the occurrence of UI. The weight gain and urinary tract infection during pregnancy, the use and the type of anesthesia, the use of oxytocin, the duration of the labor, the episiotomy or the integrity of the perineum and the weight of the newborn at birth showed no statistically significant difference in the occurrence of UI in the postpartum period. Regarding the characteristics of losses, 44 women (62%) had incontinence when exercising, 14 (19.7%) reported urgency UI and 13 (18.3%) had mixed incontinence; to 53 (74.7%) women, the severity of the incontinence was classified as moderate. It was found that to 20 women (28.2%) the morbidity interfered on their daily activities, while 10 (14.1%) reported the complications to the health professional; and 96.2% (277 of 288) of women did not receive any guidance on the preparation of the perineum, reason given by them as one of the contributory causes of UI. Our findings allow us to conclude that the occurrence of urinary incontinence self-reported in the postpartum period is associated with skin color and that there is a prevalence of urinary incontinence in primiparous compared to multiparous. Identify factors associated with urinary incontinence in women after childbirth and its prevalence contribute to the planning of obstetric nursing care to women on the reproductive period.


obstetric nursing enfermagem obstétrica incontinência urinária saúde da mulher urinary incontinence womens health

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