Prevalência de anemia ferropriva em adolescentes da "Vila Princesa" - lixão em Porto Velho - RO




The nutritional anemia results from the simple or combined deficiency of nutrients as iron, folic acid and vitamin B12, although is may caused also for others kind of factors such as pyridoxine, riboflavin and protein deficiency. Although several nutrients and co-factors have been involved in the normal synthesis of the hemoglobin, the iron deficiency is the most common cause of lack anemia in the world, constituting in the nutritional lack of major prevalence, affecting especially the children and pregnant of the developing countries. The objective of this study is to know the prevalence of iron deficiency in adolescent living en the community Vila Princesa - the garbage dump in the city of Porto Velho - Rondônia (Brazil). The methodology used in this work was of the transverse kind and involved forty eight adolescent between the ages of 12 and 18 of both genders. The collection of data has been realized through a semi structured questionnare, after the Inform Consent Term has been signed by them. Data has been collected referring to the social economic, environmental, food and, sanitary conditions, as well as levels of hemoglobin and mass corporal indicatior (IMC). It has been verified that 42.55% of adolescents of both sexes presented level of low-hemoglobin preconised by the WHO which consider levels lower than <12 g/dl and 12.5 g/dl as anemic levels in female and male adolescents, respectively. From 60,41% subjects of that realized parasitological exams (Hoffman method), 65.41% presented intestinal parasitosis (helminthes and/or protozoa). It has been identified that 87.50 % of adolescent were considered eutrophic. It has been concluded that the prevalence of iron deficiency anemia and parasitosis in the studied community is high . In relation the social economic conditions of the adolescents it has been verified that these individuals are in complete vulnerability and social exclusion.


parasitose adolescent anemia ferropriva hemoglobin doenças parasitárias iron deficiency parasitosis hemoglobina adolescentes ciencias da saude

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