Prevalencia da silicose entre os trabalhadores das industrias ceramicas do municipio de Pedreira-SP




The present study was conducted in the area of Pedreira - SP, Brazil, where ceramic activity is very intense, leading to the assumption that the majority of the working population is exposed to dust containing silica. The author believed it convenient to carry out this research with the following purposes. To study the prevalence of pulmonary silicosis among all workers employed in the ceramic industry in Pedreira - SP. To evaluate the correlation among variables pertaining to the workplaces and the onset of silicosis. To study the influence of individual variables and habits. To determine, in the manufacturing process, which jobs offered a higher risk of silicosis. Occupational history and chest radiographs were the main tools used to examine all workers in the ceramic industry, which consisted of 4,279 employees. Industrial hygiene data collected by Fundacentro in 1979 were analysed and lead to the conclusion that 3,400 workers were exposed to concentrations of siliceous dust above threshold levels. The following jobs were the most exposed: sanders, preparation of pottery body, lathe operators, kiln operators and molding. Medical examination included a standard questionary from the State Health Department for clinical and occupational history, chest radiographs and spirometries. Radiograms were produced, read, and classified according to the ILO-1980 standards and guidelines. A prevalence of 4,7% (159 cases) of workers with pulmonary silicosis was diagnosed among the exposed population and consisted mainly of simple silicosis with profusion category 1. Nevertheless, 11 cases (6,9%) of silicosis with large opacities sizes "A" and "B" were found among these. The jobs which presented greater prevalence of pulmonary silicosis in the twenty group classifications were:, molding, kiln operators, lathe operators, and sanders. 64,2% of all silicose cases occurred in workers under 45, showing that the disease strikes the working population in its most productive age. It was observed in this study that smoking raises the relative risk factor of silicosis in 2,18 times among workers exposed to silica dust. Only eleven slightly altered spirometries were found among silicose cases and nine of these (81,9%) had an obstructive pattern. The diagnosed cases of pulmonary silicosis among workers in the ceramic industry in Pedreira - SP appeared to have been exposed to dust during nineteen years on average. However, some cases occurred after only two years, revealing a very intense exposure. Since it is a progressive and irreversible disease, there is a great need to enhance industrial hygiene procedures, emphasizing the development of protective measures in order to prevent the occurrence of new cases. It is recommended that retrospective and prospective studies should be conducted among ceramic workers in Brazil to examine possible correlations between silicosis and cigarette-smoking, lung cancer and silicosis, and to better evaluate pulmonary function throughout the years of exposure to this risk


silica doenças profissionais pneumoconiose medicina do trabalho

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