Prevalence of dermatosis in scholars / Prevalência das dermatoses em escolares




A part of a student population was chosen in the city of Santo André (São Paulo State, Brazil), in order to inquire the amount and the sort of dermatosis found in scholars attending the first grade among private and public schools. In consequence, the aim of this work was the observation of the incidence and prevalence of dermatosis comparing the two kinds of school with data found in the concerning literature. The work was classified as populational outline, in a sample of 200 children, between 7 and 14 years old, each one of them with a written term of consent signed by their parents and were excluded children out of the range of the age chosen, pregnant adolescents and children whose parents did not sign the written term of consent. In all those children were performed a complete dermatological clinical examination, in their own scholar environment, in proper rooms with the privacy needed for this sort of event. Results were achieved by items like kind of school, scholar grade, gender, colour, phototype and diagnosis. Regarding the scholar grade, there was a prevalence of the second and fifth degrees. In item gender, the females prevailed (53%) upon the males (47%). The white coloured majored upon the others (85%), with no significant statistic difference between the two kinds of schools. In diagnosis, 25 children (12,5%) showed no dermatological lesion at all, and were classified as belonging to the eudermia group. Among the 175 other children (88%) which had dermatosis, 83% of them were from private schools and 93% were from public schools. Continuing on diagnosis, the group inflamatórias predominate in public schools and the neoplasias benignas predominate in private ones. Regarding the particular sort of dermatosis, melanocytic nevi prevailed more in private schools, followed by acne and in the public schools the prevalence were higher for pithyriasis alba, reticular livedo and asteatosis, and surprisingly, onychophagia, which were the forth diagnosis more prevalent in both kinds of school.


1. dermatose. 2. escolares. 3. escola pública. 4. escola particular. student population scholars dermatologia dermatosis

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