PrevalÃncia de hipovitaminose a em crianÃas menores de cinco anos do municÃpio de Gameleira na Zona da Mata meridional de Pernambuco - 2005




The present work studies the prevalence of hipovitaminose A and its possible determinative factors, in children between 6 and 59 months in the city of Gameleira, Zone of Mata de Pernambuco, being chosen by its low Index of Development Human (IDH). It is a transversal study, involving 545 children, of both the sex, of the urban and agricultural population, selected of random form , and evaluated for the indicating biochemists (retinol serum), economic social factors and anthropometric (weight/age, height/age and weight/height), factors, of health and nutrition. The prevalence of levels of retinol serum basses (<0.70μmol/L) was of 25,5%, characterizing the vitamin deficiency as a serious problem of public health, according to criteria of the World Health Organization (WHO). The distribution of the serum levels of retinol and the sex, age, familiar income and economic social factors had been homogeneous. However, the residence place (Urban and Agricultural) showed difference enters the prevalence of hipovitaminose (p=0,02). The prevalence of low weight was of 6,4%, of retardation of the linear growth of 13,8% and of the relation between the two it was of 2,0%. Hipovitaminose A did not show correlation with the energy-protein malnutrition (p=0,67). The prevalence of hemoglobin decrease (<11 mg/dL) was of 45,7%, exactly thus not presented relation statistics. The election of pointers of the nutritional vitamin state, as well as its determinative factors, is essential elements for the diagnosis and the planning of the actions and public politics, aiming at to the prevention and the control of this specific nutritional lack, leading in consideration that in the present study variable had not been of impact for this lack


determinative factors nutricao fatores determinantes hipovitaminose a prÃ-escolares hipovitaminose a pre-school

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