Prestes Maia´s Social Networking / Teia de relações da ocupação do edifício Prestes Maia




The building number 911 on Avenida Prestes Maia, in the center of São Paulo city, since 1990 without use, was occupied in 2002 by the homeless movement of the center (MSTC). As from the XX century, several ocupations were realized by social movements fighting for home in empty buildings in the center of the city, as means to pressure public power to put into effect habitation policies. In this territory of contend, Prestes Maia occupation became an important symbol and, for this reason, was chosen as investigation object of the present work. In consonance with the precept of propertys social function, announced on the City Statute, and with the possibility of its accomplishment by the Residencial Lease Program- released as a provisory measure in 1999 and converted in law in 2001- the social movements saw the possibility of living in the center, characterized by a great amount of empty buildings. In the midle of a complex of power relations, each occupation realized has put in motion several negotiations, determining a web of relations. The main goal of this dissertation is the construction of the Prestes Maia web of relations, from the conflicts lived by this occupation. The starting point of this web is the identification of the main actors of this contend, the several relations established and the results obtained in this process. Along this path we realized the importance of paying attention not only in what is factual, and with that we could also investigate the thread of subjective interpretations that are part of this territory. In this manner, we tried to look at this web of relations considering the complexity of the fisical and simbolical contend in the center, to get into the diferent layers of this process. Starting from the principle that the analysis of established relations in a mediation process can colaborate with the identification of its conflicts and problems, we realized an operation of discourse distinction in the Prestes Maia occupation case and, with this, found the hindrances to the conquering of the territory, that is, the staying of 468 families in the center of São Paulo city. In this manner, we hope to contribute to the investigations of the unsuccessfullnes of the agreement obtained by the homeless group with the public power, identifying the obstacles and impediments resulting from the process of negotiation and also from the inadequate policies for the accomplishment of the needs of this population.


são paulo (sp) web of relations são paulo (sp) Áreas centrais real estate vacancy central areas teia de relação vacância imobiliária movimentos sociais por moradia social movements for home

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