Press as a scope of power: a reading of Memories of the recorder Isaías Caminha, by Lima Barreto. / Imprensa como instância de poder: uma leitura das Recordações do escrivão Isaías Caminha, de Lima Barreto.




After reading the novel, Recordações do escrivão Isaías Caminha, by the writer Lima Barreto, the work tries to discuss its representation made by the press as a scope of power. . In the first chapter the author presents what she considers to be the most important in the fortune critique of the romance since its publication until nowadays. In the next chapter the history of Lima Barreto as a journalist is approached, his attempts to join the professional journalism , his contribution towards the small press, symbolized by the working class and trade unions, as well as the history of the newspaper Correio da Manhã, which was founded by Edmundo Bittencourt and represented in the form of literary in the novel Recordações do escrivão Isaías Caminha. Finally, in the last chapter an analysis of the romance is done to show accurately how the narrator-writer Isaías Caminha builds the image while dissects the anatomy of what Lima Barreto called the fourth power , in other words, the Brazilian press its contemporary.


press imprensa lima barreto jornalistas poder history história power lima barreto journalists

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