Presence and Identification of Polyamines in Xylem and Phloem Exudates of Plants 1


Polyamines were identified by high performance liquid chromatography (benzoylation) and by thin layer chromatography (dansylation) in xylem exudates from stems of sunflowers (Helianthus annuus [L.]), mung bean (Vigna radiata [L.] Wilczek), grapevine (Vitis vinifera [L.] cv Grenache), and orange (Citrus sinensis [L.] Osbeck, cv Valencia), as well as in phloem sap (using elution into EDTA) of sunflower and mung bean plants. Putrescine was the major polyamine detected, ranging in concentrations of 150 to 9200 picomoles per milliliter exudate, whereas only trace amounts of spermine were detected. High amounts of putrescine and spermidine were found in EDTA eluates (possibly phloem sap) as compared with elution into water. Concentrations of putrescine and spermidine in xylem exudates were related to the physiological conditions of the plants prior to exudate collection. More putrescine was found in exudates of older than in younger sunflower plants, and salt stress applied to sunflower plants resulted in a higher concentration of putrescine and spermidine in the exudate. The presence and abundance of putrescine and spermidine in xylem and phloem exudates indicate that polyamines may be translocated in plants. This long-distance translocation further supports the hypothesis that polyamines have a regulatory role in plant growth and response to stress.

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