Presença e silêncio da colônia à metrópole : sina-is do personagem negro na Literatura brasileira




Proposing to examine and to discuss the trajectory of the black character in the Brazilian Literature, this thesis is criticizing the discursive practices adopted very often by literature industry, when those characters are present through their history and daily social relations. From this perspective, the focus is a comparative study between a non-esthetic literary production like historical and sociological, as an example and the esthetic ones, the Literature in its most artistic version and dependent of a language that results in practice actions in the world. The bases on the discussion is in the way the non-esthetics texts treat the black characters, using discursive practices that, historical and traditionally attend to dominant classes interests, trying to maintain them in the same social level they had during the colonial age in Brazil. Is from this point of view that Brazilian Literature emerges and, ideologically, explores the same subject adopting discursive practices like those that can be found in the non-esthetics texts. By cultivating those aspects of the strategic-discursive practices, the Literature establish is as a cultural structure strengthening the dominant class, considering its power of ideological reproduction of their interests.


ideologia slavery escravismo discurso hegemônico literatura brasileira voice mark silence fala hegemonic discourse opportunity fate colonialismo ideology classe dominante classe dominada slave-dealing escravidão silêncio linguagem dominated class estereótipo vez dominação negro dominater class speech stereotype domination sina colonialism black people voz sinal language

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