Presença clínica e angulação dos terceiros molares superiores, na má oclusão de Classe II, tratada sem e com extrações de pré-molares superiores. / Clinical presence and angulation of the third upper molars, in bad Class II occlusion, poor with and without upper premolar extractions.




The objective of this project is to compare the corrent number of third upper molars, in funnction, among Class II patients, treated dentally, with and without extractionsof two upper bicuspids. To do as much, 55 patients were selected and divided into two groups. Group 1, treated without extractions, was made up of 28 patients with na average age of 19,03 (the youngest age was 14,08 and the oldest was 23,92), and group 2, having been treated with extractions, was composed of 27 patients with na average age of 19,94 (the youngest age was 14,75 and the oldest being 25,67). To verify the eruption of occlusion of the third molars, upper and lower plaster molds of the last control of the dentally-treated groups were used. Additionally, evaluations of the axial mesion-distal angulations of the third upper molars were made, employing orthopantographic radiographs of the last control, with the bilateral presence of the third molars. The axial angulations of the third molars were measured in relation to the orbits and tuberosities inboth groups and were compared. To compare the number of erupted third upper molars and in function of both groups, the chi-square test was utilized. To compare the angulations of the third molars among the groups,the independentet-test was used. The results demonstrated that the amount of erupted third upper molars (and in function) was statistically greater inthe cases treated with extractions of the upper bicuspids than in the cases treated without extractions, and that the mesion-distal angulations were statistically lower and morefavorable to the same, respectively. Therefore, one can expect that the result of the positioning of the third upper molars in the poor occlusion of Class II, when conducted with two bicuspid extractions, will be better than when effected without two upper bicuspids extractions.


terceiro molar maloclusão de angle classe ii pré-molar

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