Preparation and characterization of V2O5 catalyst supported TiO2. / Preparação e caracterização de catalisadores de V2O5 suportados em TiO2.




A series of samples of the catalytic system V2O5/TiO2 was prepared by the sol-gel method with different proportions of the active phase (from 0 to 9% in mass of V2O5) and calcined in different temperatures (from 250 to 6000C). A similar system was obtained by the impregnation method for comparison. The catalyst were characterized by their textural and structural properties by Adsorption of N2 at 77K, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Raman Spectroscopy, Electronic Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR), X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS). Catalytic tests for the verification of the activity and selectivity were performed by the conversion reaction of the methanol. The system obtained by the sol-gel method presented a high superficial area and porosity, which were enlarged by the increase of vanadium proportion and reduced with increase of the calcinations temperature. The system prepared by impregnation presented the same textural proprieties of the commercial support. XRD analysis identified the existence of TiO2 in two crystallographic forms, anatase and rutile. It was not identified the presence of V2O5 in the crystalline form. In the system prepared by impregnation the crystallographic structure of the support keeps, independent of the vanadium content, however starting from 6% of the vanadia was identified crystalline V2O5. Raman spectra showed the presence of two superficial groups of vanadium, the monomeric vanadyls and the polymeric vanadates even for elevated contents of vanadium, in the system prepared by the impregnation method vibrational modes were identified referring to V2O5 crystalline. The results obtained by XAS confirmed the obtained by XRD and indicated the presence of V4+ and V5+, however with different symmetry from the V2O5 in a crystalline form. The determination of the proportion between the surface V/Ti atoms determined by XPS showed to be increased with the increase of the vanadium content. EPR spectra indicated the presence of at least three V4+ion families in different symmetries; two of them inserted in the matrix of titania in the rutile phase and to other dispersed on the surface. The system obtained by impregnation presented few V4+ ions. The catalytic tests reveled that the catalytic activity and selectivity were practically the same for the systems prepared by both methods. However, the catalytic stability of the system obtained via sol-gel was superior to the system prepared by impregnation.


raman óxido de vanádio xanes e conversão do metanol xrd óxido de titânio xanes and methanol conversion xps epr drx bet vanadium and titanium oxides

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