Preparação e caracterização eletroquímica de filmes finos de nanotubos de carbono depositados sobre ITO / Preparation and electrochemical characterization of thin films of carbon nanotubes deposited on ITO


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




In this work were carried out some studies on electrochemical properties of carbon nanotubes (CNT) thin films deposited on ITO (Indium Tin Oxide) electrodes by electrophoretic deposition (EPD). Capacitance and electrochemical area measurements were made with films of three types of nanotubes with different dimensions and previous treatments. All measurements were performed in aqueous and organic solutions in order to notice any behavior difference. Nanotubes films showed higher electrochemical capacitance and area in organic solution compared with those obtained in aqueous solution, demonstrating a greater compatibility with organic solvents. The films consist of smaller nanotubes showed the highest capacitance values, suggesting that the electrochemical capacitance has a direct dependence with the ratio area / mass of CNT s. We analyzed also the effect of functionalization of nanotubes by cyclic voltammetry in solution of H2SO4 on the electrochemical measurements. In these experiments, the electrodes modified with CNT s showed a slight improvement on the electronic transfer, however, the value of the capacitance of these films has increased substantially after this process. Finally, nickel electrodeposition was performed in organic solution and zinc oxide in aqueous solution, on the nanotube films. Images of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) revealed that the deposits resulted only in the ZnO crystal growth micrometric crystallographic hexagonal pattern on the film. In contrast, the nickel deposits produced CNT s quite covered with Ni nanoparticles. All electrochemical characterizations and electrodepositions were carried out at Laboratório de Eletrodeposição, Superfícies e Películas Avançadas (LESPA) of Physics department at UFV.


fisica da materia condensada ito eletrodeposição eletroquímica nanotubos de carbono carbon nanotubes electrochemistry electrodeposition ito

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