Preparação e caracterização de dispersões de anfifílicos sintéticos / Preparation and characterization of dispersions of synthetic amphiphiles


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Dioctadecyldimethylammonium chloride (DODAC) liposomes with 0.51µ mean external diameter and sharp phase transitions were obtained by chloroform vaporization and compared with (small) sonicated DODAC vesicles. Sucrose was impermeant through large DODAC liposomes and sonicated vesicles and was used for internal volume determinations. The apparent internal volumes for large DODAC liposomes and sonicated DODAC vesicles were, respectively, 9.7 ± 1.3 and 0.33 ± 0.20 1/mol. (External sucrose adsorption were, respectively, 0.64 ± 0.30 and 0.20 ± 0.08 l/mol). Ideal osmometer behaviour towards KCl over the 0-50mM concentrations range and towards sucrose were observed only for large DODAC liposomes. Sonicated DODAC vesicles were osmotically non responsive towards sucrose and floculate with KCl. Other properties of large DODAC liposomes closely resembled those of phospholipid liposomes. At temperatures near the phase transition temperature, a steep increase in the initial shrinkage rate and a minimum for the total extent of shrinkage occured. Relative permeabilities (KCl as reference entrapped inside) to NaCl, HCl and sucrose were similar to those of phosphatidyl choline liposomes. NaCl and sucrose were as impermeant as KCl, and HCl slighthly more permeant than KCl. Large DODAC liposomes are proposed as an adequate synthetic membrane model, in contrast to sonicated DODAC vesicles. In addition, the chlroform vaporization method was tested for sodium dihexadecylphosphate (DCP). Large DCP liposomes were demonstrated to be impermeant towards sucrose entrapping 13 ± 4 l/mol and behaving as an osmometer towards this solute.


bicamadas bilayers brometo de dioctadecildimetilamônio dihexadecilfosfato de sódio dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide membranas (biologia) membranes (biology) química de superfície sodium dihexadecylphosphate surface chemistry vesicles vesículas

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