Preparação e caracterização da poli(o-metoxianilina) dopada com acidos funcionalizados e sua utilização em aplicaçõesde interesse tecnologico




Organic conducting polymers present several characteristics, such as: electroactivity, electrochromism and electrical conductivity, which qualify them for using in technological applications. Among these polymers, polyaniline and its derivatives have attracted great interest due to their environmental stability and low cost of preparation. However, the lack of solubility in organic solvents of its conductive form doped with inorganic acids precludes their utilization in commercial scale. In this work, synthesis conditions and kinetics studies on poly(o-methoxyaniline) polymerization have been carried out in presence of functionalized organic acids (p-toluene sulfonic, dodecylbenzene sulfonic and dodecylsulphuric acids), and the products are obtained with yield and electrical conductivity similar to the HCI doped polymer. Besides, these materials presented electroactivity, electrochromism, and showed higher thermal stability and solubility than the HCI doped polymer. Based on these results, several applications have been studied for these materiais, such as: conductive polymer blends, electrochromic devices and batteries.


baterias polimeros condutores

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