Preparação corporal do ator para o teatro de animação : uma experiência / Preparação corporal do ator para o teatro de animação : uma experiência




It investigate the role of the body in the animation theater, a theatrical gender that uses masks, puppets and objects as its main way of expression. The actor of this theater, known as actor-entertainer, actormanipulator or actor-puppeteer, has as his main characteristic the expression through the material elements mentioned above. Aim: to propose a basic body training for this actor, having as its base the general principles of the conscientious movement technique (or Klauss Vianna technique) applied to the language of the animation theater. Method: hold a practical workshop with puppeteers. Results: the awareness of the body, as proposed by Klauss Viannas technique, which assisted the puppeteers to make their interactions with material elements more organic. They also favored the overcoming of stereotypes and the mechanized, predicable relations with these elements. Conclusion: the body awareness is a key element in the work of the puppeteers, as previous base for a more technical learning of animation of masks, puppets and objects, being also a way to the discovery of new possibilities concerning relationship between the body of the actor and the material universe.


máscaras bonecos objects preparação corporal klauss viannas technique objetos animation theater puppets teatro de animação técnica klauss vianna masks preparation body

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