Predictive capacity of the commitment and the basis of manager social power in the training impact on the work: case study in contact center / Comprometimento e bases de poder como preditores de impacto de treinamento no trabalho em contact center




The aim of this study is to investigate explanation ability of Training Impact on the Work done by supervisors and by the Organization through a set of micro and media organizational variables, respectively, Commitment (three focus: career, work and organization) and Basis of Social Power (four basis: coercion, reward, expertise and legitimacy). In order to investigate these relations, a case study in a great contact center company was carried through with 194 participants, who answered consistent and validated scales of the three commitment focus and social power basis. Beyond these scales, a specific instrument was elaborated to evaluate the training impact on the work which the supervisors had been submitted to (Auto-evaluation of Impact of the Training in the Work, subdivided in three performance categories: Control of People and Processes; Management of People and It Has Reported the Immediate Superior) and was given on the Liquid Result of the organization (Rocking of the Investment) in two periods (before and after the training). Descriptive and correlate analyses and multiple regression stepwise have been done, then, carried through, considering the measure of Impact of Training as a dependent variable. The results had indicated that the organizational commitment and the basis of social power of coercion (negative relation with the dependent variable) and rewards explains 13% of the variable Control of People and Processes and 15% of the variable. It has reported the Immediate Superior. The commitment with the work and the basis of coercion (negative relation with the dependent variable) and rewards had explained 14% of the variable Management of People. The worse result were due to explanation of the variable Rocking of the Investment (5%), that included organizational commitment with negative relation and the basis of social power rewards. The relation between coercion, rewards, organizational commitment and performance is coherent with the studies of searched literature.


bases de poder trabalho - aspectos psicológicos basis of social power impacto do treinamento no trabalho e na organização psicologia training impact on the work and the organization comprometimento psicologia industrial commitment

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