Precariedade e Precarização do Mercado de Trabalho Brasileiro / Precariousness and Increased Precariousness in the Brazilian Market for Labor




The unemployment rate in Brazil has been relatively stable in the last few years. But, at the same time, there is a reduction of the employment in the formal sector and an increase in the informal one. This change has been identified with deterioration in the quality of jobs, since jobs in the informal sector are, on average, of lower quality. In this paper we investigate this hypothesis, analyzing the quality of those jobs being eliminated in the formal sector. This sector is very heterogeneous and there is some evidence that the employment reduction is mainly among the poor quality ones in the industrial sector. Therefore the phenomena is more of a transfer of low quality jobs from the formal to the informal sector, then of a destruction of good jobs. The informal sector is also very heterogeneous and there is a large increase in the self-employed workers. The replacement of formal jobs by the informal ones poses new public policies questions that are also investigated in this paper.


mercado de trabalho bem-estar econômico políticas compensatórias

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