Práticas organizacionais frente ao consumo de substâncias psicoativas: um estudo em indústrias de Vitória da Conquista.




The objective of this study was to analyze the managerial practices in seven industries in the city of Vitória da Conquista, Bahia, Brazil, approaching the psychoactive substances consumption by workers, who were identified through the managers perceptions about the adopted practices in the organizations. It was used as theoretical references the explanatory models involving the psychoactive substances consumption which were divided into three big points, taking into account the health, religion and psychosocial aspects. Seven industries took part in the research, where directors and managers were interviewed as key-informers. SESI, FUNDACENTRO and CESAT the three other institutions, working directly with worker health were also interviewed. This investigation has a descriptive and transversal characteristic and interviews and questionnaires were used to collect the data. The analyses of the practices and perception of the managers were checked and systematized through the methodological strategy of cognitive maps. This has made it possible to organize what the interviewed people said following an order and the frequency the theme was mentioned. In the study, the principal results have shown that the managerial practices are limited to sending the workers involved in the psychoactive substances consumption to religious institutions (therapeutic communities), basing their internment on religious and moral issues. So the responsibility for problems arising out of psychoactive substances consumption is imputed on the worker. On the other hand there is no kind of action to prevent the use of such substances, reduce of the damages caused by them and/or any treatment coming spontaneously from the worker himself as well, for the Labor Laws do not cover health actions in this area. At last, this survey allows us to show that the non-existent specific policies to control legally the psychoactive substances consumption among workers, as a real health issue act as well as the companies co-responsibility, together with the familys, the worker and the State.


administracao de pessoal saúde e trabalho políticas públicas work public policies personnel management health gestão de pessoas

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