Práticas docentes e cultura científica: o caso da biologia / Teachers practice and scientific culture: the case of biology




This paper aims to assist the production of knowledge about the teaching practices that contribute to the students approach to scientific culture in the classroom. We understand the science as culture and science education as a process of approximating the students to practical characteristics of scientific culture. We call this process Science Enculturation and its main objective would be to, along with the students, construct valid knowledge for their lives as a community, giving them support to act when facing technological-scientific decisions in society. In this process the student comes into contact with experimental activities, formulation of hypotheses, production and reading various genres of scientific language and mathematical equations, produce sustainable scientific arguments and models and illustrating representative images. Against this framework of science education, we question what kind of teaching practice should be encouraged so that we can achieve the goals of scientific enculturation. We consider that biology has different characteristics from other disciplines of reference for school discipline science, mainly related to the object of study. We analyzed a sequence of open trial teaching in a health class during the first year of high school at the School of Application at the Faculty of Education, University of São Paulo (USP). Students set up experiments to answer the question: "What is the influence of light on the development of plants?". We question, from the work of Tonidandel (2008), what kind of teaching practice may be able to stimulate the production of complex arguments by the students. This author analyzed the written argumentative production by the students in their individual reports from the empirical data produced in experimental activity in question. It has been concluded that the arguments produced by students had great complexity when analyzed from the Toulmin standard argument. After a review we found some suggestions for the most important features of scientific culture that we bring to the classroom. Our observation was made in order to understand if the characteristics of teaching examined, were consistent with what was found in the bibliographic resources and if there were other features that could 9 be included in the "list of suggestions." We want to analyze what kind of teaching attitude can be considered important for the production of complex arguments and if consistent with scientific knowledge as presented by the students. We analyzed the existing audio and video registry of two classes of presentation and discussion of data and the interactions between teacher and students searching for vestiges that were possibly related to the argumentative production of the students. For this we used as the reference, discourse IRF standard presented by Mortimer (2007), and the article by Carvalho (2008) on teachersabilities to promote scientific enculturation. From our observations, we suggest that new abilities can be seen as stimulants of the argumentation such as use of pictorial language and the use of biological material in the classroom.


linguagem centífica scientific culture ensino de biologia scientific language study of biology cultura científica práticas docentes

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