Práticas de letramento em classes de alfabetização de crianças e desenvolvimento da consciência fonológica / Literacy practices in a childrens literacy classroom and the development of phonological awareness




The purpose of this M.A. thesis was threefold: to analyze some literacy practices as related to the development of childrens phonological awareness, from an ethnographic, qualitative perspective; to understand teachers action to implement the process of transition from the oral to the written language and to describe the classroom setting as a literacy space. Field work was carried out in a literacy classroom of a public school in the Federal District, Brazil. These children, drawn from working classes, are enrolled in the three-year literacy project - BIA Bloco Inicial de Alfabetização ). Results point to a strong relation between the development of the phonological awareness and the acquisition of writing and reading abilities by the children.


educacao oral and written competencie consciência fonológica competências oral e escrita alfabetizar-letrando phonological awareness to become literate práticas de letramento literacy practices

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