Praticas de letramento de alunos do ensino medio : um estudo descritivo




This study aimed at describing and analysing the practices of literacy from a sample formed by 30 adolescents attending the medium education 3rd grade of an urban public school in Campinas - SP. Data were assessed by means of a questionaire, which sought to describe the practices of reading and writing, and of two interviews that had as objective to explore the information obtained from the questionnaire as well as to be aware of the literacy practices that involved means of communication. The questionaire was applied aggregatively and the interviews were accomplished individually. Each interview was recorded and afterwards, transcribed for data analysis. The acquired data were assessed by means of a statistic analysis (Qui-Square) and the analysis of the answers contents. The results points out that these adolescents recognize the social functions of reading and writing, although they emphasize the practices linked to the scholar contents, particularly to classroom practice. Because the difficulties in understanding and writing a text, they present different cognitive and behavioral strategies, distinguishing the seach for familiar support that also contributes for the development of reading and writing habits. It seems that adolecents search for the wtitten means of communication, paticularly newspapers and magazines as a way to get information and to assist reading and writing practices. It is valuable to note that Internet was little cited as reading and writing practices. The audiovisual means of communication seem to contribute little for reading and writing. We conclude that the practices of literacy pointed out by this sample seem to contribute to adolescents social and cultural insertion. However, the scholar teaching must debate in a better way the academic contents with the social practices in order to develop a critical and autonomous refletion in the adolescents about the literate world and enlarge the practice of the citizenship as well


escrita ensino de segundo grau comunicação oral leitura

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