Práticas de leitura de professoras na contemporaneidade &literatura de autoajuda / Teachers¿ reading practices in contemporary &self-help literature


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




It is the study of the phenomenon of self-help literature in the self-education that appears among readings practice by teachers who work in the early years of elementary school. The starting point is the current teaching professional scenario, which is characterized by both the imperatives of constant updating and teacher depreciation. In this context there is an abundant literature based on the self-help model is available (WERNECK, 1996; CHALITA, 2001; TIBA, 2002; CURY, 2003). Heads straight to teachers (and to whom may be interested or "consider themselves" an educator), in order to provide them formulas to obtain personal and professional success, to ease frustrations and dissatisfactions. The first hypothesis of this research refers to the claim that the book ¿Pais Brilhantes, Professores Fascinantes¿ (CURY, 2003) has been one of the most widely read or known among the teachers who work in the early years of elementary school (what means: teachers graduated in Pedagogy). The study does not intend to oppose the self-help books reading by teachers, but aims to understand their reasons and to ask how much this literature is perceived not an educational support, but a support for reflection. Drawing on the theoretical principles and concepts of cultural history in relation to written culture, on landmarks in the history of books and reading, the study releases a glance to this contemporary phenomenon from three closely related questions: teacher education and self- education; reading practices; self-help literature in the field of Education. The study was made conducting a survey of 69 questionnaires and six semistructured interviews collected in six schools of Porto Alegre/RS, two of them private, two public and two municipal public. The theoretical questioning was based in particular on studies of authors such as Anthony Nóvoa, Roger Chartier, Francisco Rüdiger, Arnaldo Chagas and Arquilau Romão. The teachers¿ narratives show out that they accept the self-help literature as legitimate reading on the education field. For these teachers, such printed production is consistent with their expectations. For analysis purposes, reading is recognized as a complex practice, there are no stable meanings in texts, even in those prescripts as self-help literature. These readers, or rather, reading teachers, formulate many meanings to what they read, to what they do after that reading and to what they choose among what is offered by the publishing market. The reading is presented, to the teacher which participated in the study, as a fundamental practice for the production of their identities and intervenes in how they perceive themselves in teachers¿ condition, especially from how they are reported by the self-help authors whose texts show up among their reading practices.


formação professor self-education teachers reading practices leitura livro self-help literature autoajuda self-help books literatura initial grades teachers primary school teacher education

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