Prática da envolvência : possíveis contribuições para a elaboração de uma pedagogia em arte na EJA


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This thesis discusses how the practice of teaching art classes for young, adults and elderly of the Initial and Final Totalities from the Centro Municipal de Educação dos Trabalhadores Paulo Freire (CMET Paulo Freire), an educational institution linked to the City Education Department of Porto Alegre, contributes to the development of a pedagogy for adult education in art for young and adults education. The work is part of the theme of teaching art to young and adults. Paulo Freire, Ira Shor, Alberto Melucci, Miguel Arroyo, Francis John Duarte Jr., Fayga Ostrower, Edith Derdyk, Marly Meira, Analice Dutra Pillar, Susana Rangel Vieira da Cunha, among others, were sources of inspiration and theory of this work. The methodology is supported by auto narrative reports, and writing in first person is the way this thesis was developed. This way, the author could retrace her route through being a teacher and reflect on her pedagogical actions. This thesis lays the foundation of a life path. Supporters of the author s memory, as well as her notes, your notes, records of students¿ speeches about her classes and the way the teacher works, mediates the knowledge, plans the practice, reflects and theorizes her practices in class dairies from 2006 to 2011 served as the object of analysis. Visual productions and photographic records of students, from 1997 to 2010 were also present, witnessing the written reflections, as well as episodes, that is, jobs and exhibitions mentioned and remembered by students over the years. Auto narrative made possible the registration of significant works of art classes that the students kept and / or recall as well as the recognition of the visual repertoire of the teacher and students and how these are intertwined; it provided an opportunity to analyze the dialogical teaching project, to discuss about what is meaningful content in art classes, to reflect on the relationship between teacher and students and the selection of significant episodes. All these thoughts had the purpose of firming the term "practice of immersion" as used by a student and approved by the students, when she characterized the teaching attitude of the author-professor, and served as the theme in this thesis.


l éducation artistique educação de jovens e adultos Éducation des jeunes et des adultes dialogismo arte dialogicité la pratique de l immersion

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