Postural global reeducation and segmental static stretch in individuals with temporomandibular disorder: a comparative study / Efeito da reeducação postural global e do alongamento estático segmentar em portadoras de disfunção temporomandibular: um estudo comparativo




Patients with myogenic temporomandibular disorders (TMD) usually present pain at palpation and during mastication in mandible muscles, increased postural electromyographic activity, and movement limitation. Also, nearby areas such as shoulders and cervical region may present tension, muscle shortening and trigger points. Therapeutic exercises have been used in rehabilitation and prevention of myogenic TMDs; however, these are usually associated to other physical therapy or odontology resources, which prevents a clear assessment of the impact of the exercises alone. This study aims at comparing the effects of postural global reeducation (PGR) and segmental static stretch in treating 24 women with myogenic TMD, Helkimo III. Intensity of symptoms was evaluated by means of visual analog scales, quality of life by the SF-36 inventory, and electromyography and dolorimetry were measured at masseter, temporalis, trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles. Patients were randomly divided into two groups; group 1 treatment consisted of two PGR postures, one for the anterior chain and the other for the posterior muscle chain; group 2 treatment consisted of segmental stretch of the masticatory muscles, cervical region and upper limbs. Pompage manoeuvres were added to both protocols. Patients of both groups had 8 individual weekly sessions lasting 40 minutes each. Data were statistically anaIysed, with significance level set at 5%. Results show that both kinds of stretching had the same effectiveness in relieving symptoms (p <0.005), improving quality of life (p <0.005), decreasing electromyographic activity in the masseter muscle (p <0.005), and lifting pain threshold (p <0.005), both immediately after treatment and in reevaluation held two months later by a blind assessor.


fisioterapia (especialidade) modalidade de fisioterapia comparative study estudo comparativo temporomandibular joint articulação temporomandibular physical therapy modalities mulheres women physical therapy (specialty)

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